A year ago at this time, I posted this quote on my lifecoachrenee facebook page: “A greater understanding of self-enables a greater understanding of the world we live in. That holds true for us today as well.

The new year is always a good time to learn more about yourself, your neighbors, your friends and even who we might consider our “enemies” as the media would want us to think. Those of us who are perceived different because of race, religion, beliefs, and cultures are constantly pitted in an us against them scenario.  For quite some time now, I have put myself on a media diet and like most diets I would yo-yo back and forth between watching and reading news and not.

These days I have found a new solution that appeases my heart and I believe my soul as well as long as I leave my head out of it. When I find something out that hits home or across the world-I write it down and then I take it  to my meditation time and give it up to God.  I always ask for the highest and best outcome for the person, place or situation but I like to think that just taking that little bit of time out of my day or some times week actually”helps things along some how”. In some ways, I believe being aware of what goes on in the world, and not being attached to the outcome enables me to understand myself and the world better so that I can act from that place of understanding AND actually make a difference in the world.

I have made many promises to myself this year to be a better person, to be of service more, to worry less, to be more productive, to get my message out to a bigger audience, to have fun more, to actually write letters to friends and family in a digital age-the list is endless. And yet all of these things, whether I fulfill that promise or not, enables me to understand myself better and the world we live in as long as I am not grasping at the outcome.

My most recent lifecoachrenee post reads  ” I am one with every living being because we are all in and of the same consciousness. Thusly I can never be separate from love for love is the connecting energy of all things within that one”-Arcturian Council

I would like to think that in my feeble little brain of possibilities and imagination, that some day we ALL will understand what that means for everyone. But we still have a long way to go and we can start by understanding ourselves so that we can really begin to understand each other.

For we are all in this together, no matter what our race, religion, culture and or belief, we all know love, we all are love, and we all come from that same divine source of consciousness that is love expressing itself through us on this beautiful blue marble that we call our home….. and by golly if that is not inspiring us to live from the Heart Center-then I don’t know what can……..


To view more of Renee’s blog posts or website go here http://www.lifecoachrenee.com/blog/