Whether you call yourself a priestess, a witch, a fairy, a Buddhist, a Christian or a combination of them all; It is time to stop playing small and integrate all the aspects of the Maiden, Mother and Crone of who you actually are and become who you are truly meant to be.

If you have trouble listening and following your inner knowing…..

If you have been isolating yourself from the world because you are just too sensitive to other’s energy right now……

If you have been experiencing signs, deja-vu’s and synchronicities but don’t have the foggiest idea of what they mean to you……

AND If you have been passionately exploring what truly makes your heart happy and soul sing. Then I welcome you to join the Temple of the Goddess where you will be RE-BORN, RE-MEMBER AND RE-CLAIM your divine feminine sovereignty.

How to communicate compassionately so that you are listened to heard and understood

How to ACTUALLY ALIGN with what makes your heart happy and soul sing so that you are truly in your natural element loving life, making a difference and spreading your light all around.

How to balance, connect and integrate both your divine feminine and divine masculine so that you become one in SACRED UNION for the greater good of all.

How to build trust, confidence and courage in your self fully.

Woman Spirit Rising Sessions addresses, heals and transmutes the origin of the divine feminine wounding that is keeping you from RECLAIMING your GOD/GODDESS SELF.

Sacred Temple Teachings gives you the tools, directions and blue print to self-heal, nourish your female body and spirit as well as build trust and confidence to love yourself fully.

Goddess Guidance Gatherings include guided visualizations, and movement within a safe, supportive container where women are empowered to grow, support and heal together.

Si-stars of the dream immersion days are offered privately as a personal retreat day for one person up to 6 in conjunction with the time of the year. These have been created for those embarking on the journey of self-discovery, self-healing and manifesting your heart’s desire.