Greetings Friends of HCL

It is that wonderful time of year where we prepare for a magical
holiday season and let the good times roll with friends and family,
young and old. Here in the north we are so grateful for the amazingly
warmer than usual weather and it is keeping us very happy as we
anticipate “eventually” a white Christmas.

There is so much going on with Heart Centered Living and new ideas,
programs and products are always bubbling up and being born and our community is really growing and we look forward to keeping you posted on everything so you won’t miss a beat.

Here is a blog post within a blog post that I wanted to share with you
all (About changing your horses in mid-stream tied nicely into Staying
Centered for the Holidays). I hope that you find it enlightening,
inspirational and hitting the proverbial mark as to where you might be these days.

Changing Your Horses in Midstream

Heart Centered Living Happenings to support you during the holiday

Monday, December 7th at 6:30pm-Energy Exchange Night

Debbie and Friends. Bring 4 crystals with you to program and use into the magical holiday season. $6 Love offering*

*NEW PROGRAM * Monday, December 14th 6:00pm-Radiating Love for our Planet.

We will connect with the grid lines and the cosmic heart of the universe to bring forth the unending supply of healing light and love for our planet. $4 Love offering*.

Held in Maine,NY. Call 607-226-2354 for directions

Wednesday December 16th 6:30-7:30. Smile and Slink your way through the season with superfood smoothies.

We welcome Ms. Brooke back or Lady B as she likes to call her self for a health and wellness program that will indeed tickle your tongue with tasty tidbits of nutrition and delight. Brooke has created a Facebook event page for this and you can read more about it here:

The cost is $12*

*All the above programs are to be held at the First Congregational
Church 30 Main Street Binghamton.  Except for the Dec 14th program to be held in Maine. Feel free to call 607-226-2354 with any questions.*

Please save the date for our annual Winter Solstice Celebration on
Tuesday December 22nd, from 2-6 as we gather in community to honor the dark by bringing in the light. Email to come with details later.

Shine your light ever so brightly this beautiful holiday season,


Renee, Erick, Peter and Debbie